An insight into the author of The Beginner Forex Mastery Course

Hi, my name is Harrison Uwah and I'm a Trader and Mentor with over 6+ years of trading experience and have taught 1000's of people across the world how to become profitable Trading Forex, committed and indices. You may of seen me online via my youtube channel MHU FX where I share weekly videos on how to trade various financial assets. 

My teachings are based on Smart Money and Institutional Trading concepts. I created these courses to share with you sound information to kick start your trading journey in the right direction, help you avoid the common mistakes 95% of traders experience and to actually teach you techniques that actually work.

My Story

I grew up in public housing and was raised by both my father and mother. My parents did the best they could to support my self and 4 siblings. The dream was to become a Doctor when i grew up but as time went on i realised that wasn't my passion. That was what my parents wanted. I ended up going down the accounting route and graduated with a 2:1 at university. I landed my finance job and did that for 6 years. 

During the final 2- 3 years i would take moments out to analyse my work situation. I began to think I couldn't do this for the next 40 years. Living from pay cheque to pay cheque and answering to others. I wanted more freedom, more time with my family and friends. I ended up continuing my career in accounting and received 4 promotions. During this time i started forex trading and this is when my eyes opened, I realised that there was another way to make money and be in control of you own time. I decided to fully submerge myself in the world of trading and 2 years later i was making £400 - £500 a day trading forex. This is when i made the decision to quit my job and to trade full time in 2019. Since then i have branched out into other financial assets like commodities, indices and stocks and utilise the same trading concepts when trading them.

Trading has allowed me to get my freedom back and and spend time how i want. I've always had a desire to share my experiences with people that want to accomplish the same things as me and this is where the MHU FX Youtube channel started.

I have since been able to help over 40,000 people worldwide and this blog is just an extension of my teachings of how to achieve financial freedom and become successful with trading.